One of my inspirations for nature journaling is Melinda Nakagawa of Spark in Nature.
I met Melinda at the first Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference in 2019
and have participated in several of her classes since then.
I often incorporate Melinda’s ways of capturing bird observations
into my own nature journaling practices.
Here’s my Dawn Chorus journaling from Summer Solstice 2023.

The idea is to capture the bird song you hear
leading up to and following the morning’s dawn.
Of course, for those of us in Alaska, dawn is a rather ephemeral concept in mid-Summer.
There are no rules about what time of year you journal a Dawn Chorus.
I just thought it would be a fun way to honor the Summer Solstice.
Here’s some suggestions that may make this a memorable experience
that you’ll want to try… wherever you may be:
