Whoa! Back-to-back updates! This time of year, when I find myself wondering just how to fit so many creative opportunities into the Winter months ahead, always has me smiling.
Just yesterday, I connected with Dotty Widmann of Cordova. Dotty has been creating creative opportunities for the community of Cordova for quite awhile. Aside from nature journaling she offers instruction and support in many artistic endeavors... and many of these are free. I've just registered for her "The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling Study Group" which will meet on the first Sunday of each month until April 2023. Even though I'm a bit late for the first session, Dotty assures me that it is easy to join this group at any time.

This photo was the clincher... taken during a recent workshop with Max Romey in Cordova! I want to be this person and stop using Seward's incessant rain as my excuse for not journaling plein air! Seriously!
Dotty's website, The Net Loft, can be found here. Grab a cuppa tea and enjoy sometime on her site.