Seward Nature Journaling
Nature Journaling?
Every season, with its myriad of changes, invites us to pay attention. Using each of our senses we can connect more deeply with place. Recording observations in a nature journal deepens our relationship to our wondrous home and the world around us.

Taking a closer look...
Each image on the Seward Nature Journaling home page is from the same place, Spring Creek Beach, on the eastern shore of Resurrection Bay... in different seasons and from different points on the compass. From the small shells on the rocky shore and the stranded jelly fish in a pool remaining from the receding tide; to the meadow and mountain landscapes this one place invites new discoveries on each visit. Nature invites us to pay close attention wherever you might be.

Please consider joining us!
Please join our growing community of people interested in nature journaling. Events and gatherings are scheduled around the seasons. If you would like to be updated whenever new opportunities to learn together are coordinated and new resources are shared, please sign-up to receive the Seward Nature Journaling blog.

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